Need a second opinion from a specialist?
Are you planning a move to a different school in the future and want to see where they compare to peers developmentally in reading?
Need support with admissions for a new school?
Comprehensive Literacy Assessment – One-time session (1.5-2 hours), $200.00-$300.00
Begins with an initial phone consultation
Thorough assessments of reading, writing and spelling
Detailed report with findings, and suggestions for additional services (if warranted)
Resources and directions on way to work with your child at home
Literacy Progress Monitoring- Monthly session (1 hour), $90.00 a session
Great for families looking for an expert opinion on child’s current strengths, needs, and progress
A monthly report with strategies for home and school is helpful for families wanting to know how to best support their child at home
Begins with an initial phone consultation (Optional)
Assessment screening in reading, writing and spelling
In the moment teaching of skills and strategies demonstrated as needs
Note: A three-month commitment is required.
Phone Consultation on Literacy Needs (approx.30-40 minutes), $ 45.00
Listen and respond to concerns or questions re: literacy strengths and needs, how needs are being met in school, etc.
Suggestions for support and next steps at home and school.
Suggestions for appropriate, additional services with Thrive, if warranted.