Literacy Environment
Age: Pre-K and Kindergarten
Length: Two-hour sessions, 2 da
Our Literacy Connections classes are designed for home schooled children, or, a perfect compliment to a half-day Kindergarten program. There are no more than 4 children in a class. Your child will gain early literacy skills, enrich and enhance development, and foster a love of reading and writing. We use research & evidence-based resources to build a curriculum based on your child's interests & needs.
A typical session includes:
An interactive read aloud in which the teacher models an early reading or writing skill or strategy related to comprehension, fluency, or vocabulary
A guided reading session in which the teacher guides children through their “just right” books, practicing strategies for figuring out words and comprehending
Opportunities for independent reading and writing in which the teacher conferences with each child on their specific goals
Multisensory play with language and words so that children develop phonological awareness skills and begin to understand spelling patterns and early writing.
(K/1st graders in one group, 2nd/3rd graders in another)
St. Mary's Church in Wayne
TUESDAY/THURSDAYS 10:00-11:30 AM or 1:30-3:00 PM
Local Library-TBD
TUESDAY/THURSDAYS 10:00-11:30 AM or 1:30-3:00 PM
** Cost for Literacy Connections is 85.00 a week.
**PLEASE NOTE: For either club, we cannot gaurantee enrollment until 3 children are registered.
In these classes, our teaching is grounded in the research and strategies of these professional texts:
​Program features include:
Small class size ensures that we meet each individual's needs and everyone's ideas are heard and encouraged
Use of the highest quality children's books
Screen-Free, promote face to face communication
Thoughtful conversations about books that promote critical thinking
Children choosing which books they want to read and topics they want to write about based on interest
Learning through hands on games and play (no worksheets or memorization needed!)
A literacy environment that feels like the comfort of home and serves as the second teacher in the room