Private/Small Group Tutoring​
Age: K- 6th Grade
Length: One or more hours each week
Offered: We accept clients at any time during the year and summer. Small Group tutoring is an option for families who are looking for their children to meet weekly with a reading specialist in the summer. Children are ideally grouped with others with similar literacy profiles.
Location: We tutor in local libraries along the main line in PA and out of our Haddonfield location. In Haddonfield, tutoring will be offered between 1-2 and 2-3 M- Th during Summer 2024.
Why Tutoring?
​Children need support in reading and writing for various reasons.
They may:
- Demonstrate characteristics of a reading or writing disability. Please note, if you suspect your child has dyslexia, or, your child has been diagnosed by dyslexia in school-- please be in touch with us to discuss our methodology for tutoring children with dyslexia.
- Require differentiated instruction and individualized attention
- Dislike reading and/or writing and, as a result, lack focus, motivation, and engagement
- Need additional support with homework and study skills
- Need enrichment because their needs and interests aren't met in the regular classroom
We know that coming for an additional hour of reading or writing is a big commitment for any child, especially after a full day of school. For this reason, we are committed to getting the most out of the hour in fun and interactive ways.
Tutoring is designed to move your child’s reading level and/or improve your child’s writing. We start with a screening that determines reading and writing goals so that instruction is differentiated for your child. We match your child with the tutor who has experience and expertise in a specific area, for example, elementary writing, middle school, dyslexia, autism spectrum disorder, or attention disorders. Our tutors are highly trained in multisensory and intervention methods. In Private tutoring sessions only, a progress report on goals and recommendations will be available for you and your child’s teacher.
Cost for tutoring is:
1 child (Private) = 75.00 per hour